Sunday, 17 August 2008

New Blog

It is the early hours of a Sunday morning and I haven't been able to sleep. I have talked long and hard with my husband, Malcolm, and still can't sleep and the more I have thought the more I have realised that I need to set up a blog relating more to my walk with God through infertility and childlessness. This is a tough decision because although I have written a book about the subject there are many things that I haven't shared and don't share! I guess that the aim of this blog is that I can put fingers to keyboard on my journey and link it to the website Hope When It Hurts so that folks contacting me can see an up to date story rather than a 4 year old story!
Well we shall see how it goes anyway.......
The most frequently asked question I get on e-mail is whether or not we now have children or whether we have adopted so I need to say at the outset that no we don't have any children and we have not pursued adoption.

Since writing the book life has been a rollercoaster but we continue to look to God and every day is a fresh challenge to trust Him! For those on Facebook there is a group called 'Christians & Infertility' which although I don't check particularly regularly did highlight a book called 'Infertility Hurts' - I have only just got hold of a copy so will let you know what it is like once I have read it! The author is a member of that group on Facebook.

I have watched with interest much of the coverage from the Lakeland Revival on God TV and time and time again I have watched as people have recounted their stories of healing and how God touched them and healed them. Time and time again I have heard stories of people touching their screen and feeling the power of God and being healed in their living room. God is awesome - He is not bound by anything! But during these broadcasts I have found myself watching realising that God does still heal today and sat with tears streaming down my face that the healing has not visited this living room, in this house on this street. I do not know why God hasn't answered my prayer and it is a battle that I have in my mind on a regular basis but I do know that God is still God!

Over the last year so many folks that I have talked about my book and infertility have been touched by God and the miracle of conception has happened. I think that this is now nearing double figures! On every occassion I have been so pleased for the couples concerned - God has been very good to them. But I have to admit it does hurt and the enemy does tend to whisper the lie of 'left on the shelf,' 'not good enough,' 'failure,' and 'God has forgotten you.' It is a constant battle to make sure that the thoughts are in line with what God says and what Scripture says. I addressed this in a blog yesterday on the
'Voice of Truth' - the song by Casting Crowns. It is vital that we listen to God over the enemy. I am learning this day by day - all the thoughts that the enemy sows destroy, rob and pull down yet to have the courage in the midst of the battle to stand on the Word of God and the truth that it contains certainly points to God!

So as I start this new blog which scares me to be honest I pray that it will be a blessing to those that find it and read it...............

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