Thursday, 4 September 2008

Not alone after all

Thank you so much for the positive e-mails that I have had in recent days over the new blog and some of the things that you have all shared. I am sorry that I haven't had the time to reply to you all yet - I will but currently my inbox is fuller than the time I have to reply! We are going away for our wedding anniversary so things will be quiet for a few days on the blogs.

This last week or so I have found myself more and more tearful - it hasn't taken a lot to set me off! I have almost prayed that people wouldn't speak to me at Church just in case I would crumple! Crazy huh! But the e-mails that folks have sent in respect of the blog have been really encouraging and many of you have said that I seem to be sharing how you feel as well. We are not alone - although infertility, childlessness and miscarriage are all very personal and private situations that are close to the heart and the pain is so often only shared in a marriage or with trusted friends there is a degree where pain in the pathway can be shared. It helps to know that I am not alone on this pathway - there are others even reading this right now who feel drained, shattered and broken by the longing of a little one. The depth of anguish can sometimes just overwhelm and I know that at times my heart has felt ripped out, my core totally smashed and I can't seem to even cry - sometimes it feels like the pain will never ever be bearable - then a friend makes me laugh and somehow I pull myself together! It isn't easy I know - it hurts I know, the tears sometimes feel queued up ready for the call up and it doesn't take a lot to trigger them to flow................. but in the darkest hour, in those times when everything else seems to be falling apart I have to take a look up and to realise again that God knows, Jesus feels my pain and weakness and He sits on the throne being worshipped by the elders and the throng of Heaven and while this outstanding display of worship is going on around Him - He is sitting there interceding on my behalf - what an awesome thought!

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