Sunday, 4 September 2016

A Long Journey

I haven't blogged on here for ages! Last week would have been a 12th birthday if things had been different back in was strange for us in one way with the questions of how different life would have been but in another way it was precious for us. On the 'due date' we were out for lunch doing something positive, being together and grateful to God knowing that He is 100% faithful and true. 

Since my last blog we are now worshipping at a different church - now in Crawley and it is a different fresh start for us. We have been amazed again at the faithfulness of a God who does not alter, shift or change; whose Kingdom is not shaken.

We have realised that the journey is long, it isn't just a quick 100m sprint but the race we run, the journey we travel is long but yet in the grand picture of all eternity it is just a moment. This week we approach our 21st wedding anniversary - knowing God has kept us together through the laughter as well as the tears.